The End of The Great War: Battles, Armistice and Aftermath

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9:30 am - 11:00 am

The End of The Great War:  Battles, Armistice and Aftermath

After four years of incredible suffering and strategic stalemate in World War I, finally on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, an armistice was signed that ended all the hostilities.  In this presentation, we will discuss the last 100 days of WWI, and the changes in the war that enabled the Allies to conduct successful offensives that forced the Central Powers to accept negotiations for peace. Others thought that an orderly return to the previous balance of power was the key to a more lasting peace.  Germany was certainly not pacified, or completely disarmed, and felt unjustly punished.  The end of WWI and what happened over the next 20 years in Germany and in Europe, created the conditions for the even worse disaster of WWII. Presented by: Ken Nesbitt

Thursday, November 11th
9:30 am – 11:00 am
$10 per person
No cancellations accepted after November 5th