The Foreign Policy of President Trump

Event Date:

Event Time:
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

FGCU Academy

$24 per person
Instructor: Dr. Timothy White
Trump promised several new foreign policy initiatives
 that were part of his America First Strategy. Some of his populist rhetoric has proven to be demagogic such as building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Other elements of his foreign policy agenda reflect more serious challenges for U.S. Foreign Policy such as concluding endless US military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, rapidly defeating ISIS, improving U.S. trade especially
with China, and requiring European allies to share the costs of NATO. How do we best understand Trump's Foreign Policy through the lens of populism, nativism, or irrationality? This presentation focuses on both the substance of what Trump has done and how scholars have sought to interpret Trump's foreign policy from a
historical as well as theoretical perspective.

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