TIC: American Caesar

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common


"American Caesar" is what his biographer William Manchester called him. One of the great iconic figures of the 20th century, General Douglas MacArthur had no equal on the battlefield and was a military genius who won more battles than all U.S. general officers combined in all wars since the War of Independence. A brilliant strategist and a soaring intellect, he was also vain, arrogant, conniving, narcissistic, and self-absorbed, and had a truly mystical vision of himself, always referring to himself in the third person ("The General will need a ride at 0800."), though his last battle ended in a bitter defeat and proved to be his undoing. His many enemies included all presidents he served under, the media, the State Department, and many fellow officers. Mike Quinlan will cover his brilliant career that had its start as a cadet on the Plain of West Point and ended in 1962 with his address to the Corps of Cadets in one of the more memorable orations ever recorded.

Thursday, March 5th
10:00 am to 11:30 am

Complimentary (reservations required)