TIC - Anatomy of a Painting, How to Paint like Vermeer

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Talents In Common

Anatomy of a Painting, How to Paint like Vermeer 
Dean Oestreich will demonstrate “indirect painting,” a process that allows the painter to paint in stages, adding wet oil paint over dry layers to create veils of transparent color. He will present several progressive stages of the same Vermeer painting, showing participants the step-by-step process that Vermeer probably followed in creating his masterpieces. Dean will review basic color theory/composition plus art materials that make life easier for artists, like canvas grounds, solvents, mediums, paint types, and brush styles. This class will be of interest to those interested in art history as well as those who are painters themselves.
Monday, February 11th
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Complimentary – reservations are required