TIC: Apple's Control Panel & Notification Centers On iPhone and iPad SOLD OUT

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Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Talents In Common

Max 16

Description: Learn to how to use your device’s control center so that you can access some of the most important controls on your iPhone or iPad with just a swipe and a tap. We will explore the iPhone and iPad’s notification centers that provide a way to aggregate all your phone, email, calendar, and other alerts. The tabbed interface contains not only all and missed alerts, but a today view that includes the date, time, weather, and information about whatever you have coming up next (including traffic and trip length!).

Designed for: Join friends in learning about and how to set up the two most important control panels on your Apple devices.

Facilitators: George Taylor, Mary Coke, and Mickey Mattson