TIC: Brexit: Are the UK and the EU on the Brink?

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1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Talents In Common

BREXIT: Are the UK and the EU on the brink?

"Brexit" stands for the utter and complete rejection of the European Union ("EU") by the United Kingdom. Rarely, if ever, reaching the front pages of major media outlets, Brexit could have seismic consequences for the UK, EU, and the United States. Our commentary will delve into how the EU started and how it evolved, and, finally, how, as a late-comer, the UK decided to join. So, why is the UK anxious to leave? Is the loss of sovereignty the only issue? Were all of the consequences considered? Is a hard or soft exit the more likely scenario? Our lecture will also include a very brief synopsis of how the UK and EU government structures work, and how the Brexit vote came about. From then on, we open the discussion to all important matters relevant to Brexit.

Friday, March 13th
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Complimentary (reservations required)