TIC - Cars, Cars, Cars—A Hobby or Investment?

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Talents In Common

Cars, Cars, Cars—A Hobby or Investment?

A native of Michigan, Al Hatch has always been interested in cars. His own collection includes a 1966 Corvette, a 1933 Auburn, and a 1971 Mercury Cougar muscle car. Al will offer a mini-seminar on 1) investing in collectors (are they truly investments or just a hobby with potential investment characteristics?), 2) buying a collector car–"turn-key" or requiring restoration? 3) associated costs, 4) insuring collector cars, 5) collector car clubs, 6) diversity of cars–antiques, hot rods, sports cars, etc., 7) sub-collector car topics such as petrolina, license plates, automotive literature etc.

Facilitator: Al Hatch

Monday, March 7th

2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Complimentary (reservations required)

Please register on www.thecommonsclub.com or call 239-949-3800