TIC: Community Response to an Active Shooter or Mass Casualty Event

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Event Time:
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Talents In Common

Community Response to an Active Shooter or Mass Casualty Event  

What would you do if you unexpectedly found yourself in the chaos of an active shooter or mass casualty event? Would you know what to do to survive and assist the injured around you? It is critical to have a plan in place. This compelling presentation taught by law enforcement experts and public safety officials will improve your level of preparedness, increase your awareness and response efforts, and show you how to perform lifesaving techniques to Stop the Bleed before emergency responders arrive. There will also be a question and answer panel session with safety officials at the conclusion of the event.

Tuesday, March 3rd
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Complimentary (reservations required)