TIC - Diabetes in America Today - Cancelled

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Event Time:
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Talents In Common

Diabetes in America Today

Monday, November 14th
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Facilitators: Robin Marcus – Board Member of Juvenile Diabetes Research and Parent of a Type 1
Debbie Nuzzo – President of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – and a Type 1
Emily Beard –
Chairperson for Outreach Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - and Type 1
Jules Perrone –
Development Manager for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – and a Type 1

Today 37.3 million people or 11.3% of the US population is stricken with this awful disease.  Join our panel discussion
of knowledgeable guests to learn about life as a Type 1 diabetic.  How this disease impacts your entire family and friends.

Understand the risk factor for complications, deaths and how this disease effects every organ in the body.  In addition, familiarize yourself with the advances in technology that patients are able to have at their fingertips today, to make life easier.

All lectures and presentations are complimentary and require a reservation,
please register by calling 239-949-3800 or log onto