TIC: Estero Matters for Residents of The Brooks: Area Development Issues

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

Estero Matters for Residents of The Brooks:
Area Development Issues

Monday, March 22nd
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Frank Connolly

A former Town Planner and Town Manager in Connecticut, Frank Connolly could write a book. In fact, he has written several. His Local Government in Connecticut is in its 3rd Edition, and has been used as a textbook in several schools as well as serving as a guide for many newly elected local officials. He has also written a fictitious novel, Hidden Agendas: Inside Town Hall; both are available on Amazon. A resident of Lighthouse Bay, Frank extends his interest and expertise to local matters. He will be joined by the Estero Town Manager, Steven Sarkozy to discuss local issues facing our community. A good opportunity to ask questions on Estero. 

Complimentary (reservations required)

