TIC - Getting to Know Ukraine

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2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Talents In Common

Getting to know Ukraine
Ukraine has been much in the news in recent years. This presentation will look at its past, present, and hopes for the future.  The presenter, Halyna Traversa, was born in Ukraine and came to the US as a refugee (what used to be called a DP - displaced person). A retired attorney who practiced international commercial law, she was involved in joint venture negotiations for two large corporations that wanted to do business in Ukraine in the 90s after the fall of the Soviet Union and has visited the country many times. The presentation will focus on Ukraine’s history, its very painful and turbulent relationship with Russia, and why it is important to the West.
Monday, February 4th
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Complimentary – reservations are required