TIC: How to Create & Sustain Your Own Book Club CANCELLED

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Talents In Common

Event Location:
The Enrichment Center

How to Create and Sustain Your Own Book Club

Description: The founders of the Bonita Boys Book Club (BBBC) will provide an interesting panel discussion about their 10-year history and suggest ways to begin and sustain active book clubs. Panel members promise to tell it all,  and they will respond to questions as they engage in a helpful, informative discussion with participants.

Designed for: Members interested in creating, joining, or leading a successful book club

Facilitators: Topic: David Lauderback, Chic Ciccarelli, and Dick Powers (founders of the BBBC)

Friday, January 27th

9:00 am to 10:30 am

Complimentary reservation are required please call 239-949-3800 or visit www.thecommonsclub.com