TIC - Introduction to Abstract Art - SOLD OUT

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Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Talents In Common

Have you been curious about painting abstract art but don’t feel comfortable trying it? Is the subject matter or size of the canvas intimidating? Lisa Batchelder, who has studied art with Brenda Belfield, Bill McLane, and Aivars Zandbergs and whose paintings have sold in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Florida, will steer you toward a successful first attempt, from owning the canvas to making a strong or delicate (or both!) statement. With a limited class size of 12 and a 2-hour window, she will explain the basics and cover terms like clouding, layering, confetti, and marking. The class will explore mediums and scraping, feeling the freedom of expression without the limitations of conventional painting.
Wednesday, January 23rd
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  • $25.00 supply fee to be paid directly to Lisa Batchelder at beginning of class. Supplies include acrylic paints, brushes, mediums, tools, palettes, and paper, as well as Lisa’s attention. Each student will leave with a canvas of their work.
  • Please dress appropriately and bring a roll of paper towels.
  • Register early: class size limited to 12