TIC - Local Politics/Local Governance

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

Local Politics/Local Governance
With over thirty years of experience as a Town Manager and Town Planner in Connecticut, Frank Connolly could write a book. In fact, he has written several. In 2013, Wesleyan University Press published his Local Government in Connecticut, 3rd  Edition, a text used to help teach students and newly elected officials about local government in Connecticut.  
His recently published novel thru Createspace, Hidden Agendas: Inside Town Hall, reveals just how tangled and involved small-town politics can become. It follows the volatile trail of a proposed land use development in a fictional Connecticut town.  The novel follows town staff, politics, nefarious characters, various town agencies, an enraged neighborhood, and the investigative press. Everyone has a side, and every side has its own hidden agenda. The stakes rise, and drastic maneuvers are undertaken. The surprise ending stuns everyone. Frank will also talk about the trials and tribulations of publishing.
Friday, March 15th
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Complimentary – reservations are required