TIC: Pickleball Playing Orientation Clinic

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Talents In Common

Event Location:
The Brook's Pickleball Courts

Pickleball Playing Orientation Clinic

Thursday, January 19th

9:00 am to 10:30 am

Description: Pickleball Playing Orientation Clinic will provide members with information about the exciting and popular social game of Pickleball: how it is played; where it can be played; and successful playing strategies. The equipment necessary for playing the game will be discussed and demonstrations of how to strike and serve the ball will be given.

Designed for: Newcomers, novices, and any member who wants to learn how to exercise a bit and have some fun while meeting new friends.

Facilitators: Joe McCreery and Bob McCarthy 

Clinic will take place on The Pickleball Courts next to The Enrichment Center.