TIC: Road Ride: Forty Cyclists, 3,430 Miles

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Event Date:

Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Talents In Common

Description: Forty bicyclists rode from Los Angeles to Boston. All riders had a common goal of attempting to fulfill lifelong ambitions, and along the way experienced emotions of joy, achievement, and occasionally sorrow. “But for me,” says Don Sherick, “The real interest is about the people that attempted this endeavor, and also those that we encountered along the roadway. Various American lifestyles were observed from sea to sea and experiences shared in the mountains and on the plains, some that were humorous, others fascinating, and a few extremely disheartening.” Don Sherick will bring his experience to life, attempting to make listeners feel a part of this 3,430-mile journey. 

Designed for: Members interested in bicycling, active sports, and observations about similarities and differences among Americans from coast to coast.

Facilitator: Don Sherick, guest facilitator