TIC: Shifting Sands of the Middle East

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Talents In Common

Description: Two civil wars in the abutting nations of Iraq and Syria show no signs of ending. All in the name of religion. The appalling atrocities of ISIS, which is in decline, are now being performed by the rejuvenated Iraqi Army intent upon evening the score. Bashar al-Assad continues to deploy hideous weapons on his own people. Nearly one half million people have been killed, another 10 million are fleeing their homeland, heading to Europe–thus exacerbating the E.U., which, heretofore, has been exposed as being incapable of dealing with this massive migration. Assad’s support comes from Iran, Russia, and even Hezbollah with enough arms to strengthen his own position. We find ourselves gradually being sucked in by “mission creep” with a diminishing level of support in our own country. How will these two wars play out? What can we do to find an outcome that could restore peace to the most radioactive part of the world?

Designed for: Members interested in making sense of recent events in the Middle East.

Facilitator: Mike Quinlan