TIC: Solving the Grand Challenges of Harmful Algal Blooms with Wetlands

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

Solving the Grand Challenges of Harmful Algal Blooms with Wetlands

Humans have caused both landscape change and climate change, leading to worldwide ecological calamities in freshwater and coastal waters. Harmful algal blooms (HABs), more common and wicked because of excessive and non-stop fertilization and runoff from farms and urban areas, are accelerated by increased water temperatures. Landscapes have been changed by draining wetlands that could help with nutrient retention and carbon sequestration. The world has lost 87% of its wetlands, with half of that loss occurring in the 20th century alone. Professor William J. Mitsch, PhD, of the Everglades Wetland Research Park/FGCU, and Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University, believes we can solve the dual problems of loss of wetland habitats and spread of harmful algal blooms, including red tide, by reintroducing wetlands to our agricultural landscapes.

Tuesday, February 4th
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Complimentary (reservations required)
Facilitator: Bill Mitsch