TIC: Syrian Civil War - Why We Should be Concerned: Ways in Which it Will Play Out

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Event Date:

Event Time:
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Talents In Common

Event Location:
The Enrichment Center

Description: Now in the fifth year of this tragic conflict, over 200,000 Syrians have been killed, and a large segment of the Syrian population has migrated to Europe, Jordan, and Turkey. This is a proxy war with at least nine warring factions – we are one of them. What is the genesis of this conflict? What is its importance to us? Why is Russia involved? What are the possible outcomes? This conflict is enormously complex – and pivotal to the future of the most unstable part of the world. Bring your questions – and opinions.

Designed for: Members interested in learning more about and discussing the Syrian situation, ISIS, and what might or should happen.

Facilitator: Mike Quinlan

Complimentary but reservations are required by calling The Enrichment Center at (239) 949-3800