TIC: The Nature Of Time

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9:00 am - 10:30 am

Talents In Common

Description: Time, the most often used noun in the English Language, is also the most misunderstood. As Aristotle said, “I know precisely what ‘time’ is–just don’t ask me to explain it!” Time is expressed through 159 glossary terms, it’s that complex. Scott’s presentation will cover three overviews–philosophical, scientific, and theological, all of which not only disagree with each other but even have multiple arguments within their own segments. This presentation will cover: Philosophical time: Presentism vs. Eternalism vs. “Growing-Block Universe” Theological Time: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity (Biblical Time vs. “Gap Time” vs. “Day-Age) Scientific Time: Quantum vs. Absolute vs. Relativity And
will conclude with a discussion of
time travel.

Designed for: Members interested in time as defined by the world’s greatest thought leaders over 2 millenniums of history from the disciplines of philosophy, theology, and science.

Facilitator: Scott Flaig