TIC: The Theory of Everything CANCELLED

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

Description: The Theory of Everything (TOE) when resolved will earn the most coveted Nobel Prize in history. Thousands of macro (cosmic) and micro (particle) physicists are competing for this prize. The TOE scientist will follow Newton, Planck, and Einstein, all three considered to be the greatest scientists of all time. TOE will combine all levels of physics under one mathematical expression that describes how the universe works, from its beginning to its ultimate fate. This presentation will be expressed in common terminology, not scientific jargon, so as to be easily understood
by all.

Designed for: Members interested in one of the most fascinating concepts in physics (and philosophy and theology), which seeks to explain and connect all physical aspects of the universe.

Facilitator: Scott Flaig