TIC - Ukraine War – Probable Outcomes – Global Impact - Postponed

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

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Ukraine War – Probable Outcomes – Global Impact Via ZOOM only

Wednesday, November 9th
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Facilitator: Mike Quinlan

Russia is fighting a war of choice - Ukraine is fighting for survival!

• Why is the military response of Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers superior to the Afghanistan military?

• What went wrong? Planning?…Strategy?…Logistics?

• What was the global reaction? Will the 1,200 + foreign companies that de-coupled return to Russia?

• Will the long-term sovereignty of Ukraine be protected?

• Will the European Union and NATO consider welcoming Ukraine for full membership?

• Estimated cost to rebuild Ukraine is over $200 billion – who will pay?

• 4+ million refugees have fled Ukraine – will they return or will Eastern European countries absorb them?

• Will Putin shut off gas to Europe? How is the Europe preparing?

• What are the most likely outcomes?

All lectures and presentations are complimentary and require a reservation,
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