TIC - Walking "The Way" Santiago de Compostela

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

Talents In Common

There is a strong tradition that St. James the Apostle journeyed to the Iberian Peninsula to spread the gospel, before returning to Jerusalem where he was beheaded. His patronage was credited as being a factor in the defeat of the Moors by Christian forces. By 1200 AD, over 1,000 pilgrims per day were visiting the church of St. James (Sant Iago) at “The Field of the Star” Campos Stella. By 2010, annual pilgrims had dropped to 50,000. Then a movie, “THE WAY,” revived interest to the point that when Sean and Catherine walked the Camino in 2016, the number of annual pilgrims had risen to 270,000. Both of them agree that of all the travels they have taken together in over 50+ years, the Camino pilgrimage is the most memorable and the most meaningful. 
Friday, February 8th
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Complimentary – reservations are required