TIC: What's in Your Genealogy Toolbox, Part 1

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1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Talents In Common

What's in Your Genealogy Toolbox, Part 1

Part 1: Friday, January 22nd

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Part 2: Friday, January 29th 

1:30 pm- 3:00 pm

Carol Rooksby Weidlich

Carol Rooksby Weidlich is a former president of the Lee County Genealogical Society and a frequent speaker on genealogy in our area. Genealogy is said to be the fastest growing hobby in the United States, likely due to the television programs, DNA kits, and proliferation of genealogical websites that are offered to us. How do we make sense of it all? Carol will share her extensive knowledge and experience in acquiring some of the tools we need to further our searches. 

Complimentary (reservations required)
