TIC: Why College Costs So Much and How Grandparents Can Help - CANCELLED

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Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Talents In Common

Description: What are some of the reasons underlying the substantial rise in tuition in recent years? How can we help our children help their children afford college? Participants will understand the factors that drive up college costs and learn of ways that grandparents can help pay for their grandchildren’s college education, as well as ways that grandparents can help their grandchildren shoulder some of those costs themselves through savings plans. Learn how students can best use financial aid, save on textbook costs, and earn a four-year degree in four years or less.

Designed for: Members seeking to understand why college costs have increased and wanting to assist their grandchildren with advice and support.

Facilitators: Mike MacDowell and Neil Severance, guest facilitators, Pelican Sound