TIC - Women of the Koreshan Unity

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Event Time:
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Talents In Common

Women of the Koreshan Unity
Can you image in the year 1900 there was a place where women were considered “equal” to men, where some women ran the businesses and where they all could vote? In 1900? That cannot be. Actually that place was right here in Estero. Learn how the women of the Koreshean Unity contributed to this Utopian community and ultimately to Estero. Cyrus Teed’s vision of a Utopian society in Estero began in 1894 when the Chicago based group headed to the mosquito infested land we now call our paradise. Among the eventual 250 members were women with exceptional skills, ideas, and backgrounds. Presented by Joann Luce, Estero resident and Koreshan State Park Volunteer.
Learn more about these women and others. Presented by Joann Luce, Estero resident and Koreshan State Park Volunteer.
Monday, January 14th
10:00 am to 11:00 am
Complimentary (reservations required)