Why a Grab and Go Binder is Critical

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm



Wednesday, March 15th

3:30 pm to 4:30 pm


Reservations are required please call
239-949-3800 or visit www.thecommonsclub.com


Close your eyes for a moment. If you received a call that your loved one had a major medical crisis, would you know where the “important” documents are that you may need if you are the power of attorney for either health care or finances? If you yourself had a medical crisis, does your family know where all the documents are located? Does your family know what you have for insurance, long term care insurance, life insurance, what your allergies are, what your goals are (aging in place at home, etc), does your family know if you have your burial arrangements made and what those arrangements are?  


Emergency preparedness is critical. All too often, a medical crisis occurs and family members have to scramble trying to find needed documents (health wise and financial). This workshop will empower attendees to have these difficult conversations with their loved ones and what documents and information they should consider putting in their Grab and Go binder.